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The night rain turns the sky blue. Some people do not need posture, but also can achieve a~~你欣赏这些短句吗?或许"下雨的优美句子简短"是你正在寻找的内容,欢迎大家阅读收藏,分享给身边的人!


1、The sky began to rain, I do not know whether it was too sad, even God could not help crying.

2、The rain before the steps is rootless, and the sweetheart is hopeless. The rain in the sky is the rain in the world, and the people in the horizon are the people they miss.

3、The world is thin and the people are evil. The rain sends the evening flowers to fall easily.

4、On a dark rainy night, a cigarette, a little music and a cup of astringent wine. In fact, I am also intoxicated with such a life, but such intoxication is full of sadness.

5、It's raining heavily and I can't go back. I'm not talking about home.

6、Sorrow is like a thunderstorm. No one can understand the sadness and sadness of rain.

7、The cold war is like a rainstorm. I stood in front of the door without an umbrella and tried to knock on your door several times. I asked if you could take shelter from the rain, but I didn't just stand in the rain all the time.

8、I like rainy days, because rainy days can hide my sadness, because rainy days can make me cry uncontrollably without being found. After the rain can continue to strong continue to disguise!

9、No matter it is windy or rainy, no matter you cry or you laugh, no matter what others say, you will always be in your eyes.

10、I like rain, because only in this way, I will not let you know when I cry.

11、My choice is to love you or love you more, and your choice is to love me or not!


13、On rainy days and lonely nights, I wander alone in the deserted street; Thinking of your charming smiling face, although I know there is no room for me in your heart.

14、No matter it's windy or rainy, no matter you cry or you laugh, no matter what others say, you will be the only person in their eyes.

15、It's another heavy rain. It can wash away the dust of the city, but it can't wipe away the pain in my heart.

16、Now, put your hands together. It's raining. It's like talking.

17、Your sister's car accident happened on a rainy day. The tow truck hasn't come yet since the time of arrival.

18、The east wind blows down thousands of trees and flowers at night. The stars are like rain.

19、No matter how gentle and quiet the rain falls, it also has the power to soak people

20、Looking for the rainbow after rain, eager to see the future color from the beautiful color.

21、I said: It's raining in my world. You said: nothing, I will hold up an umbrella for you.



23、The rain fell silently, but all I heard was the weeping of the fallen souls in the clouds.

24、Because you give too much fun, no one cares about your sadness.

25、When it rains, the whole person's mood is affected and becomes gloomy, thinking about the impossible.

26、I am used to such wild thoughts on rainy days, and I am also used to rainy days without you.

27、Another rainy day, one umbrella for each person. The grass is in the field, and the wind and rain are endless.

28、I hate rainy days. If I can't find my favorite umbrella, I'll have to get wet.

29、I got up at 5:30 and went to the toilet. Then I couldn't sleep. I was a little sad when listening to the rain outside.WWW.jym1.cOM

30、The most regrettable thing in life is that there is no umbrella when it rains, and there is no bowl when eating.

31、It rains every day, and I feel bored.

32、If he always holds an umbrella for others, why do you have to wait in the rain for him.

33、I don't know why. I really like rainy days. Maybe it's because I can wash my painful heart.

34、It rained all day today. I like to draw the curtain and cover the quilt, listening to the sound of the rain outside. Who is it.

35、You can't be sad for too long. You should grow up now. Your youth should not be wasted on feelings.

36、On rainy days, I am the only one holding the umbrella, and there is no your shadow on the other side.

37、Gradually I knew that I was being sentimental towards you because your heart was not with me.

38、What has been washed away by the rain; What does the sun bring after rain. No, nothing.

39、Don't cry because of any difficulties. Tomorrow is still difficult anyway.

40、I'm not used to holding an umbrella for you on a muddy rainy day.

41、It rained heavily, just like my mood now, and I really want to wash away.

42、Some people's love is like a house. There are many things in it, but none of them are what I want. But I don't plan to leave because it is raining outside.

43、I tried to count your injuries with a smile, but in the end, tears flowed out of my eyes with a smile.

44、It's raining. I don't know who you are holding an umbrella for and whose temperature you keep in your arms.


45、I am the one who speaks hard, and I am the one who feels sad. I am the one who has to go first, and I am the one who has to turn around frequently.

46、Every city will rain, just like I will miss you no matter where I am.



49、Once you smile, I can be happy for several days; But once you cry, I feel sad for several years.

50、There are rainy days in one's life, but it always turns sunny after rain. A good friend is an umbrella. No matter it is sunny or rainy, he will accompany you.

51、I especially like sleeping on rainy nights, listening to the sound of rain, as if the whole world is in my mind, the sound of rain, me, and your memories.

52、There is thunder, lightning and rain outside. I'm afraid of rain late at night. I'm especially afraid of the sound of rain at night, so I dare not sleep.


54、No matter how good the weather is, it can't bring me a smile. If I fall in love with rainy days, no one will care if I cry.

55、It's me who said harsh words, and it's me who is sad. I am the one who has to go first, and I am the one who has to turn around frequently.

56、The sudden rain made the street muddy all the way; Just like life, it's just an improvisation


58、Later, there were many cloudy days, but I didn't want to see you again in the rain.

59、I like rain. Because that's the only way. I cried and nobody knew.

60、The fallen leaves leave a colorful beauty in the sky, but is it the trees that do not retain them or the call of the wind? Later, he was very fond of fantasy and optimistic about life. Even if he was disillusioned, he still comforted himself foolishly.

61、Every time I close my umbrella in rainy days, I feel like a magician who can shake off all the stars.

62、The sun will come out sooner or later, but the rainy season will not come again.

63、I think that I am unique in your world, but I often feel more deeply than an inch of misunderstanding.

64、It rains because the sky cannot bear its weight, just as tears flow because the heart cannot bear its pain.

65、The night rain turns the sky blue. Some people do not need posture, but also can achieve a surprise.



