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The east wind is weak and the west wind is cool. The moon is full and the moon is short, f~~还有哪些类似的句子在网上广为流传?句怡美的编辑特地为你收集整理“下雨的优美句子64条”,相信你能找到对自己有用的内容。


1、Another rainy day, one umbrella for each person. The grass is in the field, and the wind and rain are endless.

2、If he always holds an umbrella for others, why do you have to wait in the rain for him.

3、Accustomed to duplicity, I have to admit that I am afraid of thunder and rain at night, dare not sleep, afraid of being awakened.

4、I looked up at the sky and stood still with it. I call it rain, and it makes me cry first.

5、The rain drenched air, the tired sadness, and the fairy tales in my memory began to slowly melt.

6、I don't know why. I really like rainy days. Maybe it's because I can wash my painful heart.


8、Why should I pretend to be magnanimous when I am wronged? I should cry when I should cry, complain when I should complain, and scold when I should scold.


10、It's raining heavily and I can't go back. I'm not talking about home.

11、It is suitable for one person to enjoy the talk on rainy days. Every sentence is full of loneliness, which makes people feel the same!


13、I have always disliked the rain, but it kept raining. I stood alone in the rain with an umbrella, but my hands were powerless.


15、During the Tomb Sweeping Day, it rains in succession, and pedestrians on the road want to die.

16、I am a wandering soul in the street and you are the one who smells me, but you can't see through me.

17、Unable to lie in the dry river and wait for the rainy season to come

18、There are rainy days in one's life, but it always turns sunny after rain. A good friend is an umbrella. No matter it is sunny or rainy, he will accompany you.

19、Listening to the intermittent rain outside, it seems that the whole world is quiet.

20、It takes a rain to be young, even if there is no one who gives you umbrellas in the rain.

21、I only need a friend who can borrow my umbrella in rainy days, walk together in the morning, and sit and chat in the evening.


22、It rained, and I chose to hide in the rain so that you might not see my tears.


24、The eyes rain for you, the heart umbrella for you.

25、The rain is still falling; I still miss you. Until the day when it no longer rains, I stop thinking and loving you.

26、The fallen leaves leave a colorful beauty in the sky, but is it the trees that do not retain them or the call of the wind? Later, he was very fond of fantasy and optimistic about life. Even if he was disillusioned, he still comforted himself foolishly.

27、Recently, there was something unusual. I cried a lot on rainy nights. I stayed up late and couldn't sleep. In one week, there were two heavy rains. The number of tears I shed was up to my total in recent years. It was not silent crying, but loud sobbing.

28、In the end, you are the one who is not surprised, and I am the one who has wet eyes before speaking.

29、One day I will walk away from you silently without any noise.

30、Listening to the crackling rain outside the window, the world is quiet.

31、During the Tomb Sweeping Day, it rained in succession, and pedestrians on the road wanted to die.



34、No matter how good the weather is, it can't bring me a smile. If I fall in love with rainy days, no one will care if I cry.


36、Maybe people who pay too much attention to feelings will have a hard time after all. Trust, dependence, nostalgia, minute to minute abuse of you beyond redemption.

37、You can't be sad for too long. You should grow up now. Your youth should not be wasted on feelings.


39、Recently, it rained every day. Then I woke up in the middle of the night and found that I had to go to work later. I couldn't sleep at once. I was more tired of listening to the rain.

40、No matter it is windy or rainy, no matter you cry or you laugh, no matter what others say, you will always be in your eyes.

41、I think that I am unique in your world, but I often feel more deeply than an inch of misunderstanding.

42、There is a kind of love that never asks for return, but always gives; There is a kind of love that is not good at expressing itself, but it can shield us from the wind and rain.


43、It rains because the sky cannot bear its weight, just as tears flow because the heart cannot bear its pain.

44、No matter how good the weather is, it can't bring me a smile. If I fall in love with a rainy day and cry for no reason, no one will care.

45、Big head, big head, no worries about rain. People have umbrellas, but I have big heads.

46、Go down. Go down. I hate you. I don't care about you.

47、On rainy days, I was the only one holding the umbrella, and there was no figure of you on the other side.

48、Don't get caught in the rain, or you will be lovely enough to sprout.

49、Because you give too much fun, no one cares about your sadness.

50、You said, don't look back. I know there is only disappointment when you look back, so don't expect me to look back.

51、It is cold and rainy in the evening.

52、Showered a rain, see the world clearly.

53、Your love is a big umbrella, giving me the most beautiful sky.

54、Remember, one rainy day you said you would love me, and now it's raining again, taking away all our vows.


56、The rain falls, wetting the image in the memory, but it no longer exists when you reach out to touch it. It turns out that everything is just memory.

57、Do you know what the flower language of the stars is? Is willing to be a supporting role. I carry my love for you like a thief with stolen goods.

58、I coughed and woke up at night on a rainy day. I was so upset that I couldn't sleep and had to go home again because of the noise of raindrops outside the window.

59、It began to rain last night, and there is no sign that it will stop. I hope it will clear up soon.

60、Now, put your hands together. It's raining. It's like talking.

61、Every city will rain, just like I will miss you no matter where I am.

62、It's raining. What I'm afraid of is not thunder and lightning. What I'm afraid of is that you are ambiguous in holding an umbrella with others.

63、Gradually I knew that I was being sentimental towards you because your heart was not with me.

64、The east wind is weak and the west wind is cool. The moon is full and the moon is short, full of sorrow. The south wind mourns, while the north wind worries. On a cold rainy night, a lonely soul in the city, who can understand the desolation of my life.



