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1、The New Year is coming. In the new year, I sincerely wish you a career of "Nicholas Tse". Your wallet is full of "Hong Jinbao". Your body is always "Zheng Yijian". The most important thing is to "Qian Jiale" every day.




5、With the Spring Festival coming, I wish you a free and happy life!



8、When the God of Wealth arrives, the clouds of sorrow disappear and the troubles disappear. The source of wealth rolls like a tide.

9、I wish you a happy Spring Festival and a happy life.


11、May happiness and wealth be with you forever and a happy New Year!

12、The auspicious charm of the Year of the Ox brings you good luck in the New Year.

13、New Year's resolution: Good luck, money is enough for you.


15、Good luck in the Year of the Tiger! Go higher and higher in official career, and win everything! Sparrows are handy and have a wide range of financial resources! Good health, good food, good sleep, happy family, congratulations on getting rich!

16、Niu Kaitai sends his blessing and opens the door. Jiqi laughs. We are waiting for the silver bull to send us good luck and dance happily. The Spring Festival is in full swing, and the SMS sound wishes. I wish you a happy New Year of the Ox!


18、Whether it's the Spring Festival or the National Day, it's better to be healthy. We should treat each night as the New Year's Eve, the National Day as the June Day, and ourselves as the seventeen. Life is as beautiful as sunshine. I wish you happy all the time and happy New Year's Eve!


20、Healthy, happy and blessed, a happy year for the whole family.




23、Focus on environmental protection, keep healthy and bright red lanterns.


25、The spring is picturesque and colorful; As scheduled, relatives and friends are drinking tea. Happy New Year!

26、Send a fish to make a fortune. I wish you a fortune every year and have more money every year.


28、2022, let everyone come! Don't be afraid, everything will be fine, everything will pass!


30、I wish you good luck in your finances.


32、When the Spring Festival is coming, I will sincerely send you a cup of hot tea, use fragrant wishes as tea, use fiery enthusiasm to make boiled water, and use gentle care as a tea cup to blend my sincere meaning, so that you can drink out the good mood of the Spring Festival and wish you a happy Spring Festival!

33、Laugh at night and have a good sleep. Laugh in the morning and have a good mood all day. Laugh after work and the hall is happy and lively. Laugh when you are worried and forget all your troubles. I wish you a happy New Year!

34、It is destined to meet, but not to meet. I hope we can recall each other at the ends of the earth.

35、New year, new events, new start, new starting point, and new harvest.

36、Good luck in the Year of the Tiger. Fortune and longevity come in! I wish you good luck and everything goes well!



39、The Spring Festival has come, and magpies are chirping on their heads. Joy and happiness are on the tip of my brow, and fortune comes to fortune. Looking forward to a bright new year, we should work hard to make progress. Friends raise their glasses to celebrate peace, and only when they are not drunk can they know that they will stop!




43、I wish you good luck and peace.

44、On New Year's Eve, I hope you can eat and drink well and enjoy the family reunion!



46、Blessing, safety, health and good luck shield.



49、I wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year.


51、Flowers bloom and wither, one fades and the other grows. It is another year with clouds rolling and relaxing. May the change of time bring you a beautiful mood and a happy New Year's Eve!

52、Harmony, auspiciousness, family happiness, and peace throughout the year!

53、There is no reason not to rush while still young. Even if I lose, I will lose beautifully! To my 2022.

54、Welcome the new year, welcome happiness, and welcome prosperous business. Wish you luck and happiness on New Year's Eve!


56、Every year, God rewards diligence. Let's go to the new year together!


58、A dumpling will be sent to you in the New Year: Ping'an Pi is wrapped with Ruyi stuffing, cooked with true feelings, one mouthful of happiness, two mouthfuls of happiness, three mouthfuls of success, the aftertaste is warm, and the fragrance is a blessing! Happy Spring Festival!

59、2022, start from scratch! Let go of the past, let your heart go back to zero, go to battle light and march forward bravely!

60、On a red day, money is rolling in.

61、2021, give yourself a chance to start again. Good morning.


63、From having nothing at the beginning of the year to having no money at the end of the year. Never forget your original intention, and you will be busy in vain.



66、Spring Festival is coming, make a wish. May your life be happy and all your dreams come true; Wish you a bright future and a happy face; Wish you good luck, everything is sweet; May you never lack money and be safe every year!



